1.And when we were all fallen to the earth, I heard a voice speaking unto me, and saying in the Hebrew tongue, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

2. You've got to stop fighting change, you're just kicking against the pricks.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

HALLMARK: THE WHITE DEVIL or Are They Joking, Deranged, or Stupid?

I couldn't believe this was serious when I first heard about it a few months ago.  Let me summarize what's going on here:  Hallmark makes a talking card to be given to graduating high school students who are college bound.  They give it an astronomy theme. As you can hear, the characters are talking about the universe and astronomical things like stars, planets, BLACK HOLES, etc . . . The characters on the card are basically saying "look out universe, here I come!" 
Enter the Los Angeles, (of course, who else?) CA chapter of the NAACP.  Who knows how they decided on it, but they called a press conference to state how harmful this card is to the fine African American citizens of LA.  The NAACP decides that instead of Black Holes (which keeps with the astronomical theme of the card), the card actually says "BLACK HOES".   First of all, go back and listen to the card again.  It clearly says "black holes".  And they aren't implying that Hallmark slipped  the racist comment in to the card - they're saying it like that's just what the card says.  But why THE FUCK would it make sense for a graduation card to go from saying cosmic things about space and planets to just blatant racism, calling out black hoes and putting them on notice?  It doesn't make sense!  Furthermore, why would Hallmark do that?  Are they in the business of making cards and making money?  Or are they in the business of offending a large chunk of their customers with racist comments?  THINK! This is like the Emperor's New Clothes.  Surely everyone is thinking "this is obviously bullshit."  Right?
The very fact that this was an issue is the result of the overwhelming attitude in this country of validating anything anyone says about feeling offended.  Its also evidence of how out of hand the NAACP has gotten over the years.  Americans tiptoe around in fear of offending any minority, cultural, ethnic, gender, or otherwise.  Listen to me and remember:  EVERYBODY DOESN'T HAVE A VALID OPINION!  We need to have the guts to tell people to just SHUT THE FUCK UP. 
But no one does it, because if you tell that asshole at the beginning of the video "Look dude, are you kidding?  Don't you know what 'context' means?  It's talking about space.  No, you can't have a press conference.  Shut your fucking mouth and go back to work."    - you would be called a racist.  No I'm not.  If you're so obsessed with race that you think "The Man" is now making graduation cards with overt racial slurs, and you blame "The White Man" for everything (including your fantasy racist card) I would argue that YOU'RE THE RACIST. 
The NAACP is spending time and money trying to improve life for African Americans by protesting Hallmark cards?  Really?  With all the problems facing LA's African American community - gangs, violence, addiction, apathy, education, guys who impregnate "black hoes" and don't stick around to be a father . . .you'd think they would be too busy working those REAL issues to even notice some cartoon characters in a friggin' greeting card.  I mean to say that a card for graduates that has an astronomy THEME was suddenly switching topics from space to racism, you'd have to either be joking, deranged, or too stupid to know better; right?


  1. i remember this. reminds me of something someone said about the ACLU not taking valid cases and only taking the ones that would gather press attention. it all comes down to what will get the most attention aka what is the most controversial or what can be twisted to be the most controversial aka what will get them paid.
